A friend of us promised to lend us several music dvd's. Being a musician, Grex was immediately enthusiastic and so we have a dozen cool dvd's at home now, most of them about reggea music.
At first I wasn't really fascinated by the idea of watching tons of concerts, but after putting the first one in I realized that these movies not only include concerts but also the stories of the musicians. So two days ago we watched the life story of Bob Marley, the Reggea leggend. I was absolutely fascinated by his life. Did you know that he was only 36 years old when he died? It was in spring 1981 so I was not even born. He suffered from skin cancer but didn't combat the diseas because of his Rastafari beliefes and one day, jogging in Central Park in New York, he suddenly collapsed and died a few months after. Another unbelievable fact is that officially he has 12 legitimate children, but some claim there must be between 22 and 46 little Marleys around!!! Isn't this unbelievable! But the thing that strikes me even more is that he was married the whole time and his wife was one of his three background singers and even had to sing songs he had written for his mistresses - poor wife!
Bob Marley commited his whole life to send a political message and became the spokesman for the people of Jamaica. The music was his power and he knew like nowbody else how to use this powerful weapon. The dvd also portrays how miserable life was back then in Kingston and how he tried to change it with his revolutionary music. It also shows what Rasta or Rastafari really means. It is a religion or philosophy, depends how you like to see it, which accepts Haile Selassie as God incarnate. He was the emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974, who is remembered especially for having modernized the country.
Luckily subtitels were available, because you can't imagine how hard it is to understad a real Rastafari.
check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmIJQusogqw
to see how difficult it is.
Well, I think he was a genius and considering how young he died and how many famous famous hits he wrote he definitely is legendary reggae superstar.
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